Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gulf Shores, Alabama

The last week of July we had the opportunity to spend a week with Eric's parents and several of his siblings and their families at the BEACH!!!  We had such a fun time, tiring at times thanks to "vacationing" with two little ones, but it was still a GREAT week overall.

Here are some pictures from our time there (there are a ton more, these are just my favorites of mostly just the four of us, I'm saving pictures of the extended family to send to them!)


The girls heading out to start our trip before the sun woke up!  The did SO WELL on our drive!  We anticipated an 8 hour drive, but it turned into 11.  Yikes!  (I plan on doing a separate post on our trip)

I love this action shot of Maddie jumping over the hole.  They had so much fun on our morning walks on the beach!

And an "action" shot of Sadie jumping into the hole...yes, this is action.  Do you see the jump look on her face?  :)

Sadie burying her big sister

I just love this picture of Maddie.  She genuinely enjoyed our week at the beach.  She's definitely our beach girl!

On our way out for our morning walk (we did a morning walk most mornings before we even had breakfast. It was so nice and peaceful not having to worry about the girls getting in the water!)

Another one of my favorite pictures of Maddie.  I took this dog along for Murphy (bought it at the Goodwill for about $1.) But when Maddie saw it in the bag, she HAD to have it.  I should've known :)

Me and my girls at the beach.  Sadie's face pretty much sums up her attitude for the majority of the trip.  I think she was overwhelmed with the number of people (there were TWENTY of us in the house!!) and she's also been working on those 2 year molars.  Anyone who's been through that knows how much "fun" that can be... 

A shot of all four of us.  The girls were making faces in all of the pictures, so I had to chose the one where Eric and I looked the most decent :)

Maddie with her godmother, Aunt Sarah (the sun was in Maddie's eyes.  Or she was being a pirate, not sure).

Sadie with her godmother, Aunt Catherine.  Sadie went back and forth between loving Aunt Catherine and not being too sure of this picture she just wanted to get back to Mommy.  :)

Sadie didn't warm up to the ocean water until Thursday!  4 days we tried to get her to play in the water and she wouldn't.  Then she had two days to play.  I've never heard her laugh so hard!!

ANOTHER one of my favorites of Maddie.  She had so much fun playing in the waves.  She was a ballerina, a crab, she put on a show for us, she just enjoyed every minute of it!!

So, there you have it.  Below Family vacation to Gulf Shores, Alabama July 2012.  A week to remember!!