Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Whole New Year

Sorry I left you hanging from the last post. Time just continues to get away from me. I'm trying to get to bed earlier this year so that means I have to let some stuff the blog :( I'm still going to keep it, just not sure how frequently I'll be posting. Anyway, on this post I want to take a look back at the post from New Year's 2010. You can find it here.

So to check back and see how we did:

We didn't make it to Disney World. We were planning the trip but it would've been during my first trimester and we didn't want to commit to reservations not knowing if I was going to be feeling well or not. With my pregnancy with Maddie I never would've been able to walk around Disney World. With my pregnancy Sadie I probably would've been fine, but there's no telling for sure :)

Maddie DID start school (as you know from here).

Maddie DID become a big sister!! (as we told you about here and here).

Maddie started not only talking in complete sentences, but in complete paragraphs, short stories even! This kid DOES.NOT.SHUT.UP. It's sweet to hear the things that come out of her mouth, but goodness...could I get a quiet minute please?!?! :) Even if she's not talking, she's singing or at least humming. It's eerily quiet in the house when she's at school.

We almost said goodbye to diapers in 2010.  Maddie had a 2 week break from school for the holidays and she potty trained in a matter of days!  She's completely trained during the day.  No accidents for about 2 weeks now!  She isn't always dry after naps, but hasn't wet during naps at school yet, only at home.  Bed time is another story...but, hey, if I only have to use 1-2 diapers a day I'm happy!

Last year I had a list of Maddie's favorites.  So here is a list of her favorites as of the end of 2010...

Favorite TV Show(s):  Dinosaur Train, Dino Dan (she's pretty obsessed with dinosaurs lately!), Fresh Beat Band
Favorite Movie:  Thomas the Tank Engine and Laurie Berkner Band (music video for kids).  I know those aren't actually movies, but those are the only two she asks for on a regular basis.
Favorite Food:  Still cheese.  She would eat cheese every day.  Just tonight I asked her what she wants to have for breakfast in the morning.  After I said no to chocolate, she told me she wants a babybel cheese!
Favorite Book:  Hmmm...there's no specific one that she asks for more than others.  But she has been pretty taken with her potty books.  She has 4 of them in the bathroom and she goes to her potty chair, tells me she needs privacy and sits there reading her books.  She actually has them pretty much memorized so it's really sweet to hear her reciting the books :)
Favorite Toys:  She still loves her kitchen stuff!  The teapot is still played with regularly and she's more into playing with her dinosaurs now.  She also enjoys doing a lot of puzzles.  She's mastered the ones she already has so I need to look for more challenging ones soon...
Favorite non-toy activity:  Anything artistic.  Fingerpainting, coloring with markers, painting with dot paint or with paint brushes.  Basically if she can be creative, she's happy :)
Favorite song:  She has a lot of songs she sings so I can't really narrow it down to one.  She still sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Itsy Bitsy Spider and Old MacDonald had a Farm.  Two new ones she sings are The Noble Duke of York and Skinamarinkadink (sp?)
Favorite "guilty pleasure":  Starbucks.  HA!  Yesterday we went into Target, she saw the Starbucks inside the store and said, "Oh, mommy.  I'm thirsty."  I was on to her so I said, "I'm sorry sweetie, I forgot to bring your cup.  But that's ok, let's go buy what we need and when we get home I'll get you a drink".  She said, "that's ok you forgot my cup.  We can just get cow milk at Starbucks."  (Cow milk is the Horizon organic milk they sell there...) 
Favorite place to go:  Jumpalooza, library story time ( we took Sadie last week for the first time!!) and to any grocery store with a race car shopping cart...

In 2011 we have all kinds of exciting things to look forward to!  Sadie will have a lot of firsts this year...first teeth, crawling, walking (maybe, unless she's a late walker like Maddie was), maybe first words, first solid foods, etc.  I'm honestly not sure what to expect from Maddie this year.  Maybe she'll start riding a tricycle...other than that I don't have a guess :)  I'll just look forward to all the fun things she surprises me with!  We're looking forward to a trip to San Diego this year (maybe without Daddy) and a trip to Baltimore to visit with my family.  Not sure where else we'll end up.  I'm hoping to get a little mommy get-away in when if Eric comes home permanently!

And now I'll leave you with the first picture I took of Maddie in 2010 and the last picture I took of her in 2010...

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