Monday, December 5, 2011

All about Maddie on her 1/2 Birthday

What makes you happy?  Being with Daddy.
What makes you sad?  When you give me time outs.
What is your favorite thing to do with Sadie?  Playing puzzles.
What's your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Playing dot paint with him.
What's your favorite thing to do with Mommy?  Going to school.
What's your favorite breakfast food?  Golden Grahams.
What's your favorite lunch food?  Peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
What's your favorite snack?  Apples.
What's your favorite supper food?  Beef Stew (although she has actually never eaten it...)
What's one food you REALLY don't like?  Zucchini.
What's your favorite thing about school?  Going to chapel.
What's your favorite book?  Peek-a-who?
What's your favorite thing to watch on tv?  Team Umizoomi (no surprise there...that's what's on tv right now so it's freshest in her mind!)
What's your favorite movie?  Snow White
Who's your best friend?  Cadence and Sydney (the identical twins in her class...she has no idea which is which so she always includes them both)  :)
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Police Officer so I can help people who are sick.
What are you best at doing?  Painting
What is your best memory?  Going to Aunt Cindy's house.
What's your favorite toy?  Books
What's something Daddy tells you a lot?  About loving me.
What's something Mommy tells you a lot?  Don't hurt Sadie.
What's your favorite song?  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
If you could change your name, what would it be?  Paggy
Can you tell me three things about yourself?  Getting boo boos, going to school and playing with Sadie
Now, tell me something funny.  Doing knock knock jokes.  How about this one, "Knock knock."  "Who's there?"  "Computer"  "Computer who?"  "Computer Elmo".  HAHAHAHA!!!!

And now, since Christmas is coming, here are some things Maddie has asked for for Christmas:

A drum set
An iPad
A real tiger
A plate
A toy computer

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