Friday, September 11, 2009

Foto Friday Continued

I knew there was a reason I usually post Foto Friday after I put Maddie to there's no chance I'll take any more pictures!  Well, we were watching Go Diego Go before bed and Maddie was showing a lot of affection to the animals.  So I had to get them posted for this week!
Maddie REALLY loves Murphy!  They're best friends most days.  Maddie throws the ball for Murphy and Murphy brings it back :)  They really enjoy each other's company!
Murphy doesn't even mind if Maddie sits on her.  After this picture was taken Maddie started doing her "bouncy bouncy" on Murphy's back.  Murphy didn't care...she just kept chewing on her bone :)
Then Maddie saw Audrey resting on the ottoman so she went to give her a kiss.  Audrey's been in some kind of feisty mood lately so even though Maddie was being gentle, this is what she did.  No, I didn't intend on taking a picture of Maddie getting mauled by the cat!  I just thought it was funny that Maddie was kissing her on her back side and Eric would laugh at that.  But when I took the picture, this is what I got.  It all happened so fast that I didn't even realize that cat was going at her!  Don't worry...Maddie wasn't hurt!

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